

  It's the number one topic between parents... "So how many times did they wake last night? And are you feeding to sleep each time? Do they go straight back to sleep?"  When we brought Saoirse back from the hospital she wouldn't sleep without being held...she wouldn't sleep on her back at all. And for those first few months, Finian and I were like ships in the night, taking turns holding her while the other slept, ate, went to the shop or on the rare occasion took a shower. Then around 8 weeks, Saoirse started crying every night for hours on end. She'd wake four to five times a night and with each wake, it'd take about an hour or two of holding her in our arms, walking her back and fourth until she fell asleep. You might get her asleep right away, only to have her wake up immediately after placing her in her cot. There was so much anxiety going into the night. It broke my heart to hear her cry. We used to take turns holding her trying to comfort her. At on...


  This weeks #MommyMaps touches on a more serious subject. I am pretty open about our fertility struggles but have never put them down into words or even thought about sharing them on this platform…so here it goes. It’s around this time of year we lost two of our three miscarriages. It’s also around this time of year that we had a successful 20 week scan when I was pregnant with Saoirse. (For those of you who mightn’t know, after a successful 20 week scan, the chance of miscarriage goes down significantly). It was a milestone moment for myself and Finian and afterwards, I bought baby clothes for the first time in three years of trying to conceive. Without knowing it, I bought the size that Saoirse now fits into. Last week I pulled those clothes out, dressed her in them and cried. Tears of sadness, happiness and gratitude.  If you are struggling with fertility, I see you. If you know someone struggling with fertility give them some love. Bring them a hot meal, a cake, some choc...

Baby Weaning

  Baby Weaning – Baby weaning has a big scary journey for us. Saoirse has had eczema since she was three months old and I’ve had this deep fear that she’d have a food allergy. There are so many resources out there that talk about…baby led, spoon fed, organic, non organic, I have five books, 3 different apps, I researched if I should stop breastfeeding, maybe it is time for the bottle? Man oh man, did I find it overwhelming. There are so many ways to approach this. In the end, I found a dietitian that specialised in food allergies in children and she gave us a weaning plan. She has been such a positive part of this journey. Also, weaning makes me miss those days when all I’d do was breastfeed…the week we went to three meals a day I hardly left the house because I was exhausted trying to figure out a schedule. I don’t know how people do it with more than one kid. So there’s that for today. Let me know your thoughts! Are you struggling or do you’ve any good weaning resources?