This weeks #MommyMaps touches on a more serious subject. I am pretty open about our fertility struggles but have never put them down into words or even thought about sharing them on this platform…so here it goes.
It’s around this time of year we lost two of our three miscarriages. It’s also around this time of year that we had a successful 20 week scan when I was pregnant with Saoirse. (For those of you who mightn’t know, after a successful 20 week scan, the chance of miscarriage goes down significantly). It was a milestone moment for myself and Finian and afterwards, I bought baby clothes for the first time in three years of trying to conceive. Without knowing it, I bought the size that Saoirse now fits into. Last week I pulled those clothes out, dressed her in them and cried. Tears of sadness, happiness and gratitude.
If you are struggling with fertility, I see you. If you know someone struggling with fertility give them some love. Bring them a hot meal, a cake, some chocolate or send them a card. The best thing a friend said to me was: I am so sorry you guys are going through this. I know one day you’ll be parents and you’ll be the best parents. A simple affirmation goes a long way.