In the spring of 2020, myself and my husband became new parents to our daughter, Saoirse. It’s been a crazy new experience, we’ll find ourselves in a comfortable place, and BAM! something changes and all of sudden we are re-adjusting once again. Parenthood am I right? Then mix in a pandemic and me leaving my job to go freelance / work-from-home. Life is crazy right now. But also, I love illustration and I love maps... Like love love love maps. And in those rare moments where I find myself on the couch, with a cup of tea in hand, I draw maps of my experiences through motherhood. Nothing is off the table. I hope to talk about things good and bad, laughable and sad, all from my point of view.
Want to work together? Have a question or an idea? Shoot me an email! 11x17@sara-sheridan.com Learn more about me and what I do here.